Monday, December 13, 2010

Gingerbread Train

I bought a Gingerbread Train at Target for Mica to work on. These type of projects are perfect for preschoolers!

My son Mica sticks his tongue out just like Daddy when he's concentrating.  

Mica studied the box to examine how it was decorated. He placed all the candies in the same spots as the box showed. 

Daddy said, "Mica you forgot to decorate this part of the train". Mica said, "But I can't see that spot on the box". Daddy said, "Use your imagination". Mica looked at Daddy like he was crazy.

My youngest son Isaak and I read books, took a shower. When we were done, Isaak saw what Mica was doing. He wanted to eat the train in the worst way.


Canadian Coupon Mom said...

Wow! He did a great job and it does look very yummy!

cocoa and coconut said...

What a festive looking train!